1960          ---                   ----        -------    ----------

                                    -----                ----------------         ---  -----                       -----------                                                    --------           2010




in my hands


                                                                                                            WhatÕs that?!


A Literary History of Wallpaper

E.A. Entwisle, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1960





---- No, it didnÕt happen that way. I found the book, I chose it. At the schoolÕs library.

And not from scratch; the start existed of the following three tags:


- form/content-assimilation

- form/content-contrast

- form/content-paradox




With this background the book that I found seemed a good choice. To me. IÕll start this research by applying the tags on the literary history:


    OFFICIAL QUESTIONNAIRE        .        

Assimilation          yes/no

Because:É.             The book looks like wallpaper!

                           Wallpaper pattern on cover.

Contrast                  yes/no

Because:É             It is not wallpaper.

                           (not a roll of imaged paper)

Paradox:                 yes/no

Because:É              The book shares a lot of

similarities with wallpaper



But if you look at the function of wallpaper, this book is not that different from wallpaper: the looks of the book are nostalgic, cozy, jocular, corny, waggish. It gives a grandma atmosphere: Earl Grey tea, dizy cookies, a ticking cuckoo clock, a kind of musty smell due to the old Persian table-cloth on the: table, dark wood everywhere, maybe even forgotten dentures in the window sill.

Just as wallpaper does.


In that way it becomesÉ a paradox! (quite personal, subjective, I know)

and          eventually           1.

            Form     content           become


And imagine this:

* Wallpaper of this particular book.

You could turn over the pages whenever you want to change the dessin on your wall.

You can mix, switch, tear it (when youÕre angry).

* Or: use this text as wallpaper on your computerÕs desktop!



Yeah, yeah, I know itÕs highly personal and subjective to almost see this book as wallpaper. BUT! IÕm convinced that I can give some information that will change your look – if necessary – on this book; to see it not just as a book, but also as a special object. 


ÔThe main distinction between the livres dÕartistes and the artistÕs books is that the former were almost always initiated by the publisher with often a little or no relationship between the artist and the writer. The binder was only an afterthought, though a significant one as it now turns out. By contrast, the artistÕs book is understood to be the work of one individual of a collaborative effort. In either case, it is conceived from start to finish as an integrated unit.Õ
(Peter D. Verheyen: ÔDevelopment of the ArtistÕs BookÕ, 1998)

Ceci nÕest pas un livre dÕartiste


Nope. The images have different makers and are primary works – not illustrations.


ThenÉ maybeÉ an artistÕs book?


ÔItÕs easy enough to state that an artistÕs book is created as an original work of art, rather than a reproduction of a pre-existing work. And also, that it is a book which integrates the formal means of its realization and production with its thematic or aesthetic issues. But this definition only raises then answers: What is an ÒoriginalÓ work of art? [É]Õ (Drucker: Ô The ArtistÕs Book as Idea and FormÕ. From: The Century of ArtistÕs Books, 1995.)

Hmm. Comes close. ButÉ


Without putting it in an academically justified box – why I think this book is an interesting book:


External: form/content (cute wallpaper on the cover of a literary history of wallpaper – clear!)


Retro: I know not everyone is fond of retro, but a significant part of humanity is. Take for instance the allure of a personal library.

With a stepladder! – only for rich people.


Internal: itÕs almost poetry what has been written in it. Mysterioussszzz:


Ô 1953 CONSTANCE DE PINNA. I.C.I. Magazine (November). ÔWallpapersÕ.

Wallpaper is like gunpowder, if you are too timid with it the effect is unsettling; if you overdo it the result can be devastating.Õ


The images in this book are divers and, as everybody knows: nowadays images work.

!! not too many words! Eeehk! People are afraid of long texts!


                                          fragmentary                    short                    

No:  short      Google      Wikipedia         internet             Google

             short                  Internet             Google



Then there is more! What uebercreative mind develops the idea of making a literary history ofÉ wallpaper! Wallpaper. Wallpaper! Not the technical progress, not examples of the newest trends, but a li-te-ra-ry his-to-ry..! Someone has put hours, days, weeks of time in this research that treats a literary history of *tududum*:



I t   m u s t   b e   a   g e n i u s .  












This book is old.

I like old books.

Books that seem to have made a trip to the inside of the teapot of the grandma I spoke about earlier.



What am I looking for?! IÕm looking for a book that I can relate to the tags I chose.

With this perspective, these glasses (made out of the tags) I look at the books at the library.

Differently. Without these glasses I would have thought about this book as a funny, old book;

I would not have given it more than one – or maybe 6 – glimpse(s) of attention.



É consists of course of the conscious and deliberate context of the tags.

But this I already mentioned under ÔperspectiveÕ.

But what I think is more important concerning context is this:


[unconscious cargo in my mind that makes that I chose this book, that I liked this book, that I saw this book; thinks like culture, friends and other nature/nurture-shizzle]




Romanticism. This book can easily be seen as an outcome of the retro-trend.

I think it appeals to a romantic feeling.

The nostalgic, the old, the melancholic, the perishablenessÉ