1. Never odd or even, Marina Castillo Deball
  2. Walking Statues, Emmanuel Puig
  3. The Negative of Text, Rolland Barthes
  4. The Art of Topiary, Augustín López
  5. 10-22-34 Astoria, Uncredited
  6. Nothing on Earth Can Hold Houdini, Uncredited
  7. Vacancies, Laetitzia Alvarez
  8. Records of Employment Request 1992-1995: CAAP, Uncredited
  9. Coney Island, Uncredited
  10. Give an Inch Take a Mile, Igor Mencattini
  11. A Catalogue of Days Invented, Gabriela Aguileta
  12. Lógicas Desviadas, Irene Kopelman
  13. (...) Caracter is destiny, Sebastián Romo
  14. Grutas Park, Uncredited
  15. 99 Ways to Die, Children of Sodom
  16. [Postcard Back], Uncredited
  17. From Astrology to Objectology: A Manual for Our Time, Lutecia Ka
  18. The End That Is The Beginning Of All Things, John Cramley
  19. Exhibitions at the Galería Universitaria de Queretaro 1996-2000 Guest Book
  20. Anamnesis, Hannah Bos
  21. Reoility - Beyond Reality - A chronicle of luxury, Susanne Kriemann
  22. Fallas de TV Guia de Servicio / Guide to T.V. Problems