Designblog is an online research project initiated by Henk Groenendijk. It is part of the Foundation Year’s design program and stimulates interaction between the design world and all the Foundation Year students. Designblog has 693 postings, 16 projects, 33 categories and over a 1534 tags.
What does Design mean, where is it happening and who is involved?
Through excursions and meetings, lectures and workshops it investigates a variety of related subjects in connection to contemporary developments in the design field. Those investigated subjects result in essays, personal reflections or research portals published on the blog for all the other students to read, creating a pool of opinions and data for everybody to use in the context of the students own orientation and learning process. Designblog is an experiment in creating new content and directions for teaching and in that process becomes a research subject itself…..”Although we never know what will be next, we never forget what we have encountered”.
the World of Design as a big Universe,
a solar system in which designers, media, artists and industries are connected and criss-cross related, where all concepts and products become subject to shared dynamics. It is difficult to imagine such a thing.
Maybe it would be easier to imagine this design world as a place where everything and everybody is ordered neatly, next to each other and in chronological context, so it could be viewed and investigated more easily in a direct manner, simply and without too much notion.
Maybe it would, but it wouldn’t have much to do with reality. Our reality and the place design has in it. Our design world subject to personal and subjective interpretation and reflections. A design world that is created from within to be researched from within, using the present to understand both the past and the future.
Designblog tries to present a platform for this, so that this world can be approached in a personal and subjective manner. A platform on which design can be presented, compared, researched and become a matter of opinion debated.
Designblog is about subjects, not objects. It is about design and art and discovering the relations between the two of them. But! even more important is that it is a record of students trying to make the invisible visible in a process of discovery and name giving.
grapical visualisation of Designblog based on it's tags and links
Designblog is not a regular blog. It is a complex and layered system in which facts are more than facts alone. Not a platform for research only, but a database, a research engine in and of itself. It is full of links. It is a network of Metadata, an experimental blog for all “Rietveld’s” Foundation Year students. It is an instrument, and it is your platform for publishing.
researching "the collection groenendijk" on art versus design in book design