mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, grandfathers, stepmothers, stepfathers, stepsisters, stepbrothers, best-friends, best-friends mothers, best-friends fathers, best-friends sisters, best-friends brothers, best-friends nephews, best-friends nieces, best-friends uncles, best-friends aunts, best-friends grandmothers, best-friends grandfathers, best-friends boyfriends, best-friends girlfriends, friends, friends mothers, friends fathers, friends sisters, friends brothers, boyfriends, boyfriends mothers, boyfriends fathers, boyfriends sisters, boyfriends brothers, girlfriends, girlfriends mothers, girlfriends fathers, girlfriends sisters, girlfriends brothers, roommates, acquaintances, vague friends, enemies, haters, ex-lovers, lovers, crushes, flirts, flings, one nightstands, soul mates, dates, relations.
make a list of all the nicknames people gave to you.
make a list of all the nicknames you gave to people.
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posted by Karoenja Woudenberg