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"instinctive" Tag

Tribal Writing

Sunday, December 2, 2018

It’s funny how quickly people can learn something. Maybe learning isn’t the correctly chosen word in this case, perhaps it should be adjusting, or ‘changing’ or maybe even unlearning.

I say this because i noticed how the third time in the library my way of searching a new book in the way that is expected of us, was easier then the times before. Of course the day, the other influences in life itself has a big influence on the way you search and look for a book in an objective way, but it did feel like the new ‘insight’ was there a bit.

I noticed it by the feeling I had. Being sure of my choice, during the whole process. Walking in to the library, taking my time to stroll along the books, not being impatient or unsure about the choice I will make.

Looking at the backsizes of the books instead of the cover. The two previous books I had were both a bit odd in terms of size. The first one was longer then a4, but thinner, the second book was longer then a4 if you had it in a landscape position. So I decided that for the third book I wanted an ‘off’ size as well. This made is efficiently easier. With a filter I walked around, feeling like I had a direction I knew I had to follow. Starting in the lower part of the library, flipping through some books, not finding the right one, then, after quite a while I decided to walk up the stairs. Starting in the corner where I had found my first book, about textiles, I spelt made my way to the right, and saw a yellow cover. I had touched this book before. I had seen it, flipped through it already, I realised as I was holding the square book with a yellow coloured cover I didn’t like. But even though i enjoyed the book. The simplistic tattoo designs fitted well together with the square simplistic pages. I didn’t read the small sentences that were written down. Although I didn’t read it, I did notice how contradictory the font fitted with the designs. Simply by the round lettertype and the sharp drawings.

What links this third search to the others (especially the first book) is the instinctive search and the listening to what felt right. Besides this, the contradictory of the outside and the inside of the book was very present, just like the other books I had chosen.


Contra contra contradiction

Thursday, November 29, 2018

As I walk into the silence of the library I think about the strategy I will use to find my second book. I think about my three previous used keywords: instinct, courage, and contradiction. 

The first logic step would be to firstly follow the keyword ‘instinct’. So I slowly walk by the thousands of books, observing, stroking the covers, hoping I will be pulled towards one, like a magnet. As the pressure of silence and choosing begins to come up, I decide to use the computer. Still the source which is easiest and most tempting to turn to. 

The letters which form the word instinctive do not yield anything. It would’ve been an interesting find. Finding a word with the keyword ‘instinctive’ through an opposite way.

There goes my easy way out to find a book which I think would connect with my previous three keywords. 

So I continue with the second, courage. This time  few books show up, but none in one of shelves we are allowed to take a book from. Another sight, another loss of another keyword. 

Finally I put my last keyword in the source machine, contradiction. Last but not least, it results in a find. A book by Robert Venturi: Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. I followed the directions that were given me and found a boring looking book on the second top shelve. Opposite from my first book I noticed the cover was very flexible and didn’t feel like a ‘concrete’, constructed book. A bit disappointed with my find I sat down and began to observe the book. Having very little knowledge about architecture I noticed that I had some ‘primitive’ expectations of the book. As said before it had a flexible cover, which stood opposite from my


. I had expected a firm book, since I refer architecture to firm structures. Strong, solid, tight and well constructed buildings. In that sense the  format of the book really was contradictory to it’s subject. 

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