Here he sitting with a tasteless pasta with melted cheese and watching MTV’s Real World to fuel himself and prepare mentaly for his journey to pick up a fancy girl in the 100 decibel Paradisco. With a body full of fast energy he install friends from Hennes & Mauritz. Mobile supplies that protect him from outside world and give him a illusion of good confidence. Shells that is massproduced by the third world. Sweat, blood and low payment in third world and the furious western mainstreamer can ones again upgrade his closet.
The former friends has now become parasites that won’t let him free himself from vanity. Here is a view from one of the many consumers of Hennes & Mauritz, but he now starts to wonder how the view is from the designers and producers side to us?
Article by Sarah Raper Larennaudie, TIME Magazine (english)
Article by Pia Gripenberg, Dagen Nyheter (swedish) – [to translate]
"H&M" Tag
An age of fast fashion and a future of dog bones
Thursday, May 22, 2008