"Anita" Tag
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My interest in film drove me to write my name on the contact list of “The New Anita/De Nieuwe Anita“, a film theatre/bar in Amsterdam. Ever since I have been receiving almost weekly information about the projected films in “Cinemanita“.
Funny thing is, like I said before, I have been receiving emails from “Cinemanita” for more than a year already and for some reason, once I began this research, I did not place an immediate relation. It seems like a never ending discovery of unusual connections.
So I went into my gmail to see an email from “Cinemanita” received at 10:05 in the morning today, a few minutes after I posted my last Anita, Color post.
The email begins like this:
Directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski
122 minutes
In Polish with English subtitles
Film Director Krzysztof Kieslowski is best known for his trilogy
“Three Colors” (©93/94), but before he headed for France he made some absolutely stunning films in his homeland of Poland. Of all the films he made, many consider ‘Blind Chance‘ to be the best… and some consider it the best of his career.
“Three Colors”!. Surprised? Actually not.
“De Nieuwe Anita” / “Cinemanita”.
www.denieuweanita.nl Frederik Hendrikstraat 115, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Color of Anita
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
How can one relate a name through/with art?
Once I entered the library I walked the same isle but turn my back into the one I had been looking at for the last 2 postings. Now, I had in front of me a cabinet full of names. Van Gogh, Warhol… among many others. So, how can I relate a name with another name?
– I found no solution immediately –
I remember having once a conversation about how names, days of the week, words, etc, can give a feeling of color to certain individuals. The whole theory also applies in a more scientific way when it comes to sound waves in music. I wonder if you have ever seen a colorful symphony…
Immediately I decided to think about Anita . I was sure there must be something that catches my attention, something special. It always seems to work that way when it comes to Anita
So I searched, my eyes went up and down, side to side quickly through the archive. On the right hand corner a thin small booklet with what it seems like a paper cover sticks out from all the grey thick names. It was not only catching my attention due to its bright colors but also due to the physical position of the booklet; It was sticking half way out as if someone had started the job for me.
Once I took out the six page booklet and opened it I found inside several painted portraits of women. To tell you the truth, I was not surprised, like I said before, there is something special with this Anita . I then shifted my focus on portraits, leaving the first two posts behind, and moved again to my focus on the color of the cover.
Almost like a kids riddle I identify “orange on the outside, yellow on the inside… Can you guess what it is?” Interesting how these two colors remind me of Anita for some reason. At least reminds me of a certain aspect of the name.
Once at home I research on the meaning of colors:
-Yellow is the color of sunshine. It’s associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
-Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
It is not only Anita’s intellect, energy, creativity, attraction, success, but Maria’s
combined fascination, determination, encouragement, and stimulation towards this assignment which gave color to what it is now for me a symbol.
-To my surprise, once I rented out the book, it was not identified by the computer. Hence, it has no reference number, just a reference color.
The New Anita
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
There I found myself once again, this time walking with a clear idea in mind.
In this case, more of an idea it was a name. I had began the quest of finding
“The new Anita”. It is Interesting how this name has been taking over my life these past weeks. I even came across a Facebook
application which is called “Anita has the answer of your future, click here!”. How did I manage to –somehow– give this name to the nameless images from forgotten archives.
So what do I know about Anita,
and what is there to know about her anyway…? Personally the name has no connotations. I once had a friend called Anita when I lived in Mexico but how she is and where she is currently, is unknown. So I do not really know /where /why /how and /who.
As I am searching for faces I come across a few women, still no Anita.
Until, from the side binding of one of the books comes a portrait of a young lady: black and white image, what looks like red lips, tied yet loose hair, skinny bone structure, dark eyes, beautiful girl. Her shirt is loose, exposing her bare shoulders. Something about her strong persuasion turns her into Anita.
Once again I have picked up a book about portraits. This time the book holds a much older image archive from 1903-1917. So what is it that connects these two? Both archives of images contain a variety of portraits. Both seem to have a dominant female as their main attraction. There must be something about this women, something about this name that classifies, orders and places them in different categories.
Anita has truly become a tag and I have become the tagger; I have acquired the power to pick and chose.
Subjective Library on Flickr
Monday, November 16, 2009
“subjective library” on Flickr
click on the images above to find some of the tags as we translated them into images for you. If you want to check them all out go to …… Flikcr.com /subjective library /click people link
selection made by Matthias Kreutzer and Henk Groenendijk
Anita +124 freaky looking EyEs
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It is extremely difficult to ignore a weird Lord of the Rings, elf looking girl called Anita. Specially when it stands as a single, motion and emotionless portrait in the cover of a book. Difficult to avoid once again, as it stands next to what it seems like unreadable books full of text and content. A three second glance into Anita’s freaky, albino brawless eyes and four seconds into the side cover title to highlight it as the most interesting cover in the design book shelf.
Rietveld Academie Library No: 15046
reserved space
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
“subjective library” images and flickr tag-cloud
Read the reflections of A and C group’s journey into the Rietveld Library’s Design and Art section. This journey to investigate, made our fascinations, preconceptions and hidden desires manifest. How does a subjective book choice create a personal mirror and leaves traces of tags, connecting Design to Art, exposing autonomy in both.
Read about the subjective, open and intiutive first book choice from the Design section of our library. Wonder about the tags connected to those accounts. Follow the continuing story as a second book is selected based on those tags created. Witness the third posting in which those sets of tags lead us from Design to Art. A move that forces us to reflect upon the connection between them both.
Follow the continuing accounts of the three succeeding investigating postings by clicking on the yellow link. Experience the total list of tags created during this “Subjective Library” Project.
3289 days, A4, cover, funky colors, television, unatractive, film photography : fauna, flora, interesting, lines, strange, fluffy, simple, horrible, brainwork, complicated, proud, “to know” : disorder, game, grid, systematization, “One Minute Sculpture” : library, swindler, breaking news, library loser, extraordinary, talented : space, absence-presence, framework, surrounding, returning : abnormal, rediscover, choice, plain, others : 1000, 754., direction, signs, city, direction, traffic, political, posters : blue Pinocchio, screaming, spine of book, blue, Pinocchio, blue fairy, eyecandy, contemporary, folk, mentality : not getting there, unknown, judging by covers, content, connection, strangers, subject : supermarket, theft, housewife, tiny, midlife crisis, multilingual : logic, question, reason, consciousness, interest, remarks, impossible, mathematical, perspective : attraction, strange, swissfolk, art, death, life, love, Maurizio Cattelan : cover, old book, unique, obsession, miniature : Anita, eyes, portrait, dominant, name, color, film : Wiener Werkstätte, characteristic, hand work, mass fabrication, original, process, realization, detail, photography, the nude : cheap fashion, funny, random, tattoo, tribe, weird, mysterious, tribe : attraction, new texture, action, quick, warning, a priori, new, amusement, choices, eye-catching, eyes, random : escape reality, library, overflow of impulses, fruitless reality, jostling time, absorbing force, déjà-vu : arrange, industrial, library, architecture, museum, self-made, Andreas Gursky, index : city, nomadic, reality, funky, colors, interiors : contrast, fat, texture, typography, culture, nudity : conceptional, distance, no image, steps, thinking space, braille : cat, compulsive, font, chaos, subjective, illustration, objective, random, Tadao Ando : airplane, airport, choice, structure, worldmap, 756, 80’s, human, machines, unique, flying : dot, jewelry, shapes & forms, yellow, children, fun, paint, playful, all colors, blue, green, theory : extraordinary, life, normal, objects, absurd : 80’s, desire, fashion, party, techno, desire, fabrics, orgasmatic : alchemy, identical, methaphysics, mysticism, mythology, Arabic, identical, inaccurate, ladies, naked, orient, sculptures, stereotypes : Canada, Indian symbols, kitsch, raven, Indian art, Mexico, Jeff Koons, porn : attraction, gold, meeting an old lover, recognition, cheap, irresistibility, not psychology, wrong, beauty, compare, contrast, couple, same, similarity, together, two books, ugliness : connection, embroidery, hundred years, death, funerals, general terms, invisible, object, spirit, visible : color, feeling, personal story, feminism, graphic : first sight, mystery, old-fashioned, bloody, mad, rituals, revelatory, Yin : oblivion, automatic lives, bottom shelve, eat, mantra, story-making, colorful, dogs, double-take, eat sleep, vases, vegetables : attracted, nothing, black, disturbing.
still curious read the books involved at the Gerrit Rietveld Library, (catalogue numbers are included).