“For there to be lines, do there have to be a surfaces, or can lines exists without any surfaces at all?” – Tim Ingold
Images: A Line, collaged book, graduation project, 2016
Making a line basically means connecting point A with point B, but it does not matter whether the line is connecting two points in geometry or people waiting in queue. It is a fundamental form that is defining, shaping, connecting or dividing. A line can be on its own, or in close relation to other forms. It can exist in space or simply be drawn on a paper, there are an endless number of possibilities.
Images: A Line, collaged book, graduation project, 2016
This thesis “Walking with a Line” describes a line as a form appearing in different kinds of fields. It shows about 30 examples of various types of lines across a history, biology, astronomy, maths, art and so on. The text is structured as a simple kind of dictionary which you can just flip through and start reading wherever you want.
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all rights to this thesis are property of the author © 2016