Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The second time in the Rietveld library to search for a book that I know nothing about yet.
The only thing I know is the mantra I keep repeating in my head. The mantra consisting of my last tag words. I pull a few books from the bottom shelves but none of them seems to be the right one.
Until I pull out a thin, square book of which the library code consists of the letters e a t (might be “cat” but i still read it as “eat”). The second thing I looked at was the back cover. It’s full of scratches. What happened with this book if you go beyond “it’s used as a cutting mat”?
I found it more then appropriate.
Eating; the everyday activity.
Square; meaning boring.
Thin book, bottom shelve; forgettable.
Scratches; popping up of questions.
My mantra of automaticlivesoblivionstorymaking was answered.
Rietveld Library code: 705.8 eat 12
Monday, November 16, 2009
“subjective library” on Flickr
click on the images above to find some of the tags as we translated them into images for you. If you want to check them all out go to …… Flikcr.com /subjective library /click people link
selection made by Matthias Kreutzer and Henk Groenendijk
By Henk Groenendijk
/ Categories: image + language, Subjective library 3 Tags: airplane, Anita, archive, associations, attraction, Canada, compulsive, connection, embroidery, escape reality, eyes, first sight, hundred years, identical, imagination-tt, library, life, mass production, mystery, mysticism, normal, nothing, oblivion, part, pictures-tt, random, raven, reduced, secret, selection, seriouness, subjective, television, theft
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
I can buy a book without reading the backside. The only reason I buy it is because it appeals to me in a way. This can have to do with the cover, the title, the quality of the pages or perhaps something less obvious that I cannot quite figure out myself.
I believe I’m not the only one who has a pile of books unread at home. I am starting to realize now, why we practice this odd way of “throwing money away”.
There is no harm in letting these books fall into oblivion. What happens in between the covers of these particular books I can fill in myself. The story that develops in my head can be provoked by a specific look or feel of a book.
Hot Glass is my latest found.
It is a play, based on your “everyday” people, living their automatic lives. The little chances they get to escape into a life worth living, play an import role. Moments of sudden shock or surprise. Moments a feeling is at its strongest. Small revelations.
A book for those interested in the difference between what is real and what turns real.
Rietveld Academie Library No: 776.0 glass 1