Wiener Werkstätte
The first thing I saw of the book “Wiener Werkstätte” was the cover which was a original signet of the Wiener Wrkst. from 5th avenue NYC.
It is strange, but I was looking for the book for more then three years. The publisher Taschen doesn’t sell the book anymore for quite a long time. So for me, it wasn’t coincidence that I finally found the book.
In this book you can find a described history from Wiener Wrkst. from 1897 till 1932.
The content is filled with photographs of furniture, glass works, ceramics, metal works, jewelry, fashion, architecture and graphic design.
The Wiener Werkstätte created hand works from different types of styles who were practical for the daily life.
My feeling about this book is more than positive. I am impressed by the motto from Wiener Wrkst. “The characteristic principle of the Werkstatte…is that it is better to work for ten days on one item than to produce ten items in one day.” I feel that this is exactly the problem from the nowadays mass fabrication because it doesn’t have an artistic value.
I dearly recommend to take a look in the book cause It will give you a nice esthetic feeling.