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"image" Tag

The second search…

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

This week 3 words define our search. Mine are “spine, monochrome, image” A spine I find unusual and interesting, a book with only monochrome pictures and text, a book which is mostly comprised of images. As I search for the book which will meet all my categories I am struggling to find one which is convincing me. I find many books which apply to a single word, many books which apply to two of them but the real search for the ultimate match has just begun. As I notice how silent the library is I whisper to class mates who have made their decision and discuss their decision and the lack of mine. I travel back and forth deliberating and deciding. As I travel I think to myself that this is an impossible task and I will need to change my words. Alas I am stuck in the library again. As I look through the collection of books I start to notice how many of them look so similar both in regards to their spine but also layout. This task seems to be a tedious one. I travel upstairs in the hope that the perfect book will present itself. As i walk along the grid and glide through the books on the shelf an unsuspecting book presents itself to me. Like a beam of light in the darkness, like a light at the end of the tunnel, like a candle in the dark. This book is called “nobody suspected there would be much discussion about it”, quite appropriate in my opinion. the book has a cover which folds out to be a poster and the binding is satisfyingly odd. The entire book documents the works of designers working for Estoplast in the soviet union. The entire book is comprised of mostly pictures which are monochrome, three birds with one stone!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How does the history of browsing stay in your memory?
How do we perceive the visual experience of websites which are opening up in new windows?
I question myself and try to observe my behavior when I am browsing around Internet webs. How do I chose the website and what makes me choose them? What determines if I like to stay on the page and look properly through it or if I click to the next page?
What is my choice based on? What visual experience do I get? What videos do I chose to click on? Is it exiting enough to look what is next? I think most of my internet browsing is based on visual experience, except particular situations when I am looking for certain subjects, where the context is more important than the visual experience.
Almost every morning, when I am starting my day, like a due during the breakfast I check my mailbox, read the news and brows around interesting blogs . Mostly they are about music, art, fashion,  news, or just whatever captures my eye.
“Capture my eyes” what are they capturing exactly? I think it is the matter of personal choice, what color, forms, shapes you are attracted to.
I find out that my choice of webpage is purely based on visual impression and it does not necessarily have anything to do with content. After I browse trough what stays in my memory and for how long?  What do I keep in my mind and what can easily be forgotten?


I choose to open Designblog for the first time, looked at the first page which comes out and then close it in 1 minute. I sketched my first impression immediately, what was there? Few geometrical shapes, and bright attractive colors this was the most catchy and noteworthy things.



Next step, I simply let myself browse for half an hour, without forcing myself to memorize, reading most interesting things, watching concerning videos or look at images and illustrate my memories. As a result I had same expressive geometrical shapes and specifically recognizable colors, also some words or sentences from the context.
What was my experience? Well even if I illustrate and was attracted by colors, mostly I memorize the context of the posts and the idea what it was about.



After this I browsed around in 1 page for fifteen minutes

browsing_15 min_3_redu


Finaly I watched a video, not paying attention to the surroundings



Thursday, January 19, 2012


Kunst, muziek en technologie smelten samen in installaties waarbij de interactie met andere elementen centraal staat.
Het geluid reageert op beweging en beeld reageert op geluid. Het begon allemaal in 1958 met de videopresentatie Poème Electronique van LeCorbusier, ook wel het eerste ‘multimedia-kunstwerk’ genoemd, met als doel te laten zien wat technologische vooruitgang de mensheid oplevert. Een klankgedicht waarin architectuur, geluid en beeld samen vloeien tot een geheel.
Vanaf dat moment ontwikkelen technieken zich verder en daarmee de mogelijkheden voor deze installaties.
Dit boek bevat een overzicht van een aantal kunstenaars die zich vanaf dat moment zijn gaan specificeren in deze ‘multimedia-kunstwerken’.


this post is part of he subjective library project "Unopened Book"
the book can be found at the Rietveld library : catalog no :

Eye-catching choices

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The intuitive search mixed with subjective yet logical decisions has now became my little tradition. This time, my decision is to find a book concerning New Media. This is my a priori statement:


I devote myself to the act of searching.

My eye is now attracted by another eye, stearing at me from the close up picture on the cover of the book. Its grainy texture seem to have a hidden message of not being the normal photo but the film still from the video. The Fast forward title can be associated only with this particular medium ( the era of fast forwarding audio tapes must have been long forgotten by such a contemporary looking eye from the cover). I’ve found the right book. Now, how can I connect it with DESIGN?

1. Subjectively:

• The ‘NEW’ TAG IS A BRIDGE – I like to look for new trends both in art and design.
• My choices are made through the VISUAL ‘ATTRACTION’

2. Objectively:

• The book was intentionally DESIGNED to make the VISUAL ‘ATTRACTION’ even stronger.

Every random opening of the book will attack my eyes with a great number of film images, shoot after the shoot. I’m totally amused. Nothing more exists except for me, the images and the big eye watching me from the cover.

Rietveld Library Code: 708-4 urb1

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