Off course when someone asks me to randomly pick out a book of a small library stuffed with all kind of interesting books, I cannot be random anymore. The choice I will make, will probably say something about my subconscious preferences, and is therefore a tricky thing. And if I look at the books I chose, Tribal Tattoo Design and Swallowing Helmets I wonder if it were my subconscious preferences that took those books, or if my choice is determined by the subjective classification of the library. It is both. But if I look at my subconscious (or conscious) preferences, isn’t that also determined by for instance: our culture, our history and current tendencies?
The book about Tribal Tattoos first caught my attention by its yellow cover. This reminded me about the books published by a Dutch publishing company called: ‘De Bezige Bij’. The fact that I almost took a tattoo about 2 weeks ago has also something to do with it. Why Tribal? This probably attracted me because in my opinion tribal tattoos can be a bit corny, I think that is funny, and I like funny books. The book Swallowing Helmets by David Robilliard caught my attention because of the title, which I think is nice. It is weird to swallow a helmet. Inside it has poems and illustrations, some of them remind me of David Shrigley. The image is a picture of a tattoo made or designed by David Shrigley.
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