In the studying of links a peculiar feeling comes to mind
links are not that old yet, the internet isn’t that old yet. These portals have only existed for short periods of time. Still portals decay. Rot, rotting. Try and make a difference, it won’t happen.
The internet is not our own but rather a new dimension. As Decartes pleaded that the mind and body are on different planes of existence, the internet exist on a third plane functioning on its own. Or perhaps, the internet exists in the mind plane
settled within our own consciousness
instead of being connected by the Amygdala, it connects through the eyes. Receptors receive, Sensor sense, the mind connects it all and files it away.
As humans we demand connection.
We see faces in images and foggy streets even if there is no person,
this nature prevents us from tolerating link decay
We click, we ask, we want.
In the moment we stumble across a broken link the mind gets stuck,
it wants to jump the portal but falls in a black hole.
Through the chasing of perfection and wholeness in daily life the brain cuts off when it cannot complete the link. The chain ends. This is an unsatisfactory experience.
To change the stigma of broken links and erase their oppression by capitalist society we will introduce a comfortable link,
a nice place, a home, time to take a break…
A comfy break.