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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I was browsing the internet looking for a definition of the word ‘weblog’.
Doing so I landed up in blog after blog after blog.
Each blog having a different opinion and way of looking at the word or phenomenon blog.

I thought about this and realised that this was actually already my answer.
– The people trying to define a weblog, on a weblog. Even though they all have different opinions about it.

“There is no need to define ‘blog.’ I doubt there ever was such a call to define ‘newspaper’ or ‘television’ or ‘radio’ or ‘book’ — or, for that matter, ‘telephone’ or ‘instant messenger.’”
–  Jeff Jarvis

But for the general view this might be of some help.

3 Responses to “Weblog?”

  1. Henk Groenendijk Says:

    nice final posting. I think time is an important factor in the need to define a medium. Newspapers had the luxury to be defined over a very long period of time. New media come in and pass at a much quicker pace. Instant defining gives you an opportunity to help shaping them
    What about the slowmail and slowmessenger projects ( on the slowLab website
    The movie is a typical link to support the text. It is all there already. looking at it I was very disappointed that the image you used came from that movie. I had hoped that your image was a self made one. Something nobody does. The blog –being a news medium– is not considered a place to add your own work. That would be redefining the medium.

  2. Charlie Bakker Says:

    It’s funny you use the word -re-defining in your comment. It would be a redefinition for you I guess if you define a weblog as a place where you only post news – and news being only non selfrelated items?
    Work I make myself could be news, right?
    Sometimes I post some of my own work on my weblog, because I see my weblog as a reflection of myself – because everything I blog is of interest to me – and so is my own work.
    What I found out while trying to define what a weblog is, – that everyone thinks differently about it – you actually defend by defining it yourself in your comment.

  3. admin Says:

    redifining the “blog” medium is the subject of my comment. In most cases weblogs are passive “news” oriented. Ofcourse your own work is news in that sense and still fits in that discribtion. Ofcourse writing news and composing a post is creative work.
    I was wondering about the next step in which it becomes art. So the medium can be used to publish your own work in an other form, more autonomous. But stil use the structure.
    The posting of Karoenja (nickname) was an interesting experiment

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