Select some real kitsch. Make it as tacky as you can. Deeply inelegant. Add some showy details. Mix it with tasteless notes, stir in cheap bits, put a pinch of mass-produced gaudiness and some fake comedy together with a touch of absurdity. Leave it to stand for a while and here we go… you may enjoy a magnificent and never-ending touristic enjoyment.
Folklore, I love you. You almost made me hate my region. Perverted rituals and misused symbols… I haven’t digested the mixture and I couldn’t think of producing a nice folklore-adapted design yet. At least not for now.
Still, I shall not pretend it is not part of my life. And part of my meals, actually! “Crêpes”, “galettes”, “far”, “kouign aman”, “palets” and other “lekker” buttery delights from Bretagne (France) are certainly what makes me enjoy folklore, after all. But then, is it really folklore or is it more a matter of tradition?
Do the ancestral recipes need to be translated* for the outsiders to actually become “official folklore”?
Anyways, as long as it does taste good, one would say… As a matter of fact, I ran out of milk the other day and thus I had to use soy milk when I made the tradional “far breton”. I was surprised to see that it didn’t taste bad at all! Sacrilege? Adaptation? Call it how you wish, but please never tell my grand-mother about it…