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"Exchange : Theme Project" Project

exchange indivisuality

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Let’s go a bit deeper into the word indivisuality and subjects around it. Especially the subject exchange. Would you exchange your indivisuality with someone else? If you would, would you go all the way and even change your name and habits, or is it only about visual appearance? Where is the line between individuality and visuality. Can you see these two things as two different things which can be separated or are the always connected with each other? Is it possible to exchange only parts of the indivisuality or do you have to go all the way? Can you exchange your indivisuality? Or can you only pretend?

The Headpiece

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I was asked to be a pedestal for Jesse Muller’s paper mohawk headpiece.
It was a delicate square helmet made from paper bags you would find at a greengrocer’s shop. It somehow reminded me of all the punk shows I used to go to when I was a teenage boy. All the loving memories I have. Beer flying though the air, people jumping over each other, off the stage, slipping on the beer stained floor, falling, bruising, laughing, the dirty squat houses, the friendly violence, the loud music, singing along. I think it’s maybe the most fun a person can ever have in his life.

posted by Tim Matijsen


Monday, January 19, 2009

Link: massa

Take my idea and through it see yours

Saturday, January 17, 2009

How does all this work come into being? It is, of course, the product of the autonomous genius that is the artist, exploring depths where no mind has gone before and bringing back ideas that are completely original. Yeah right.
Most assignments, especially in the Design department involve a lot of research into existing artworks and other media. For instance, the picture above is an in-between work that started with the title of a book “Take my eyes and through them see you“, by Cerith Wyn Evans.
This made the teacher come up with the idea to have the students exchange clothes.
The photo’s gave a student the idea to cut them up and recombine them by hand.
In versions to come, the student said that she might combine it with the 7 sins, because of those sinful Dolce & Gabbana adverts. It made me think of those Magnum commercials from a while ago.
We’re all truly original…

posting by Arthur Perdijk


Saturday, January 17, 2009

“Create a siamese twin with the fabric you have” was the assignment Emma Olanders and her classmates were given when starting the textile design lesson during the exchange project. Emma and a classmate started working with dependency by means of having a nylon stocking between them and letting Emma actually hang from it. They tried out different ways of hanging, pulling, pushing, giving and receiving weight with different materials between different body parts. They discovered that there are some things that you can do on your own. Having a partner, those small movements or pressures when pushing become unpredictable. The way they were depending on each other and giving/receiving weight has a rather strong connection to the dance technique “contact improvisation“.

posting by Nadja Voorham, photo by Benno Voorham

The Alphabet of Spaces

Friday, January 16, 2009

Isn’t that a great name Merel Woudwijk. You know i am wondering about Merel, because she got an idea to make her own alphabet.  An alphabet  that no one can understand. Very abstract and powerful alphabet. She call it “The alphabet of spaces”.

Why these abstraction, because of the inspiration of artist Sol Lewitt and her conceptually idea spread away in her mind to make such alphabets. There were more than 100 prints in woodcraving, some prints in silkscreen, 32 prints in etchings, and 42 prints in lithograph full with care and patient. She choose the basiccolor black for her alphabet, because it gives her good results and comments

posting by Raz Barsati

Judith Kleinemeier

Friday, January 16, 2009

links to Centraal Museum and Viktor & Rolf

posting by Merel Woudwijk

Cause and Effect

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seeking: a tool to exchange one woman‘s masculinity for one man‘s femininity (read carefully)

Most people‘s gender-conciousness & gender-identity is located in the mind, so a physical tool could only manipulate the exterior signs. Thus, the tool‘s effects are limited to the exterior, and disappear once the interaction with the tool stops. This could mean altering someone‘s posture, movement, appearance etc.

So there will be a physical difference, but one could also try to show the cause along with the effects: Where does the excess masculinity or femininity come from? Are they rooted parts of this person‘s genes or did they arise out of circumstance/necessity/coincidence during the building of their identity?

Interesting gender phenomenon in Native American cultures

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A doll, a women, a hospital, something to discuss…
Out of bringing a photo of an old hospital with in front a doll bigger than the women, who made it… the interests were big, and she really liked the photo in its time…
In between she worked with an appointment by a doctor…
Inspired by this situation, she started to create her own reaction to it…
A video of herself with half doll, half human body…
She is walking into the camera and the sentence `do you want to see my penis` is lightning up…

Mysteries and Accusations

Thursday, January 15, 2009

After asking my friend about her experiences in her new design class, I’m just as confused as she was when she attended the class last week. Even now, she seems a bit lost when talking about it. She was talking about having to work with strangers, disagreements, posing, shyness, copy-machines and silhouettes. Although these words might seem a bit random, they’ve all got to do with making a booklet, with writings about their experiences in the design class. This is going to be published and I must admit; it sounds an awful lot like what we’re doing the coming three weeks on the designblog!



Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is your identity? And in what level are you aware of your
identity, of your individuality? That is an interesting word. But what
does that mean? The word is not in the dictionary en Google can only
finds design companies. A definition was not found. But for sure it is
a combination of the words individuality and visual. How important is
the relationship between the way you are and your visual appearance?
Should it be equal or is it actually a mask? Do you hide your identity
or do you use your visual-part to show it?


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