This letter I want to attach to my last message about national identity present in a street signs in different cultures. For the second time I’m using this book, which you can also take in a library. This time I’ve made a selection of posters made in different countries, but for the same movies. My thought was about the possibility of existance of different schools of postering. This posters, that you can find below, were made in the time when there were no internet for sending files with information and a designer or an artist had to improvise making a new masterpiece for the public. But this problem had made movie presentation even more interesting in different countries. Each country had added something special, non cliche. So, enjoy!
cat. nr: 754.1-keh-1
keyword: identity
March 26th, 2009 at 12:25 am
You make a very true statement on the influence of internet on modern design. Some countries had a very high standard of poster design. Like Poland and japan. Nice comparison of posters. Interesting how your subject relates to Maybe you should exchange your tag/keywords